Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 39: Half Day

Sunday, July 28

I normally do not come in on a Sunday, but today I wanted to work a half day since I will not have many days left to intern with summer ending much sooner than I would like. I started the day with a quick misting of the galliwasps, then fed them along with the Mountain Chicken frogs and the Hispaniolan Giant Anole. I cleaned four snake enclosures as well as the Prehensile-Tailed Skink enclosure. I hadn't worked with this skink personally before, so that was fun. It was also interesting to take a little time to just look at the animal and see how amazing they are. After the morning break, I got set up outside to work more on the off exhibit cages that I had weeded earlier in the summer. In one of them I got to design from scratch a habitat for an Arakan Forest Turtle. These turtles are very good climbers, so I had to provide enough ground coverage/rocks/branches that would provide good exercise for the turtle. Once I was done, my design was approved by the zookeeper who gave me the task! It was really fun to build an exhibit again and I am definitely looking forward to seeing the turtle enjoying its new habitat! Today was a great day to come in because there is no salad to prepare or collect, so I was able to start working on other things right away!

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