Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 40: So Much To Do, So Little Time

Today I started off cleaning the giant tortoise exhibit and giving some attention to Othello. I then gathered salad bowls from the building and cleaned the black worms. Today our female Komodo Dragon got a vet check up to make sure she is healthy. Only a few keepers were able to go in and work with her, but the rest of us stood outside the room and tried to watch what was going on. After the morning break, I did the dishes and started misting the galliwasps. Toady as the only intern again, I had the normal daily tasks to do by myself, and then was given tasks of taking care of animals for a keeper that wasn't here, along with miscellaneous tasks that needed to be done as well. Hence, there was so much to do today and not enough time to do all of it.

After lunch there was the intern tour of the Children's Zoo. Unfortunately, we did not get to go behind-the-scenes for this tour either, but since it is the Children's Zoo, we got to pet various animals. Technically I have gone behind-the-scenes there many years ago when I was in a Keeper for a Day program! Once back in the building, I was asked to clean off a drain in a turtle exhibit in the atrium. I finished misting the galliwasps, then changed a few baby McCord's Box turtle enclosures. After break, I cleaned the spotted turtle tanks and then was asked if I could clean the rodents downstairs. So I then changed shavings and cleaned cages for our rodents that we keep. By that time, I had to quickly go around and gather trash from the building and then help close. As you can probably guess, there were still things on my to-do list that did not get completed today. Looks like I will be very busy my next few days interning!

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