Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 41: Another Busy Salad Day

Friday, August 2

This morning we all did a quick cleaning of the glass and then the other intern and I started preparing salads. After the morning break, we finished salads, then I cleaned black worms and did the dishes. After lunch, I went out to cut browse for the Jamaican Iguanas. Once I was done, another zookeeper said that he needed help with a project. The Fiji Banded Iguana exhibit in the house is being remodeled (the Fiji exhibit I had done before is the temporary holding enclosure) so I had to clean the inside of the exhibit and then clean rocks to fill the enclosure with. Once the morning break was over, I helped the zookeeper bring in a large vine to place in the exhibit. I then cleaned large black tubs in order to prepare them for a turtle enclosure. The zookeeper who gave me this job and I then figured out what would be the best way to place the tubs in the space we have to work with. Our manager gave us a few ideas, but also told us to do whatever we felt best. We discussed how to set up the turtle tubs but the actual project would have to be saved for tomorrow!

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