Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 28: Feeding Day

Friday, July 5

This morning I started cutting up produce, preparing and delivering salads. After break, the other intern and I finished preparing salads and then cleaned up before lunch. I then cleaned the black worms, did the dishes, and started thawing fish for feeding some Alligator Snapping Turtles later. This afternoon I got to gather crickets to feed the Giant Haitian Galliwasps, Mountain Chicken frog, and the Hispaniolan Giant Anole. It was fun feeding the animals and watching them eat! After break I fed smelt to five relatively small Alligator Snapping Turtles. I had never fed these turtles before so it was fun to be able to do something new and watch them come out of their hiding spots to eat. After all the feeding was done, I helped one of the zookeepers on the big rearrangement project from last week. I helped move two water/land tubs and filled them up with mulch and water on the respective sides. What was super exciting is that I got to pick up and move two Alligator Snapping Turtles into their new enclosures!

Now as I'm getting more opportunities in my internship, I am loving it even more. I want to go to work everyday and when I am not there, I feel like I am missing out. I know I am in the right place when I don't even want to get sick because that would mean not being at the zoo. Today was one of those reminders that it is important to do something you love and love what you do, whether that is with animals or anything else. If you love what you are doing, it doesn't feel like work!

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