Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 37: Snakes Alive Tour

Friday, July 26

This morning I started working on preparing salads. I was the only house intern today, but I still managed to have most of the house fed before the morning break! I took a short break in order to get a few more salads done before I went on a Snakes Alive Tour. I knew the people who signed up for the tour, so I was able to go along with them. It was really fun to be on the tour with people I knew and I actually learned more about some animals that I take care of! The tour lasted almost an hour, so I only had time to prepare a few more salads before lunch. 

After lunch, I prepared the giant tortoise salad and fed them. I then fed the turtles in the atrium of our building as well as the Fly River Turtles. Once salads were distributed, I cleaned the salad buckets, did the dishes, cleaned the cricket tubs, and swept. After break, a zookeeper and I tried to determine the sex of some salamanders we have. Let's just say that was easier said than done. The zookeeper then gave me an animal tour of the building. He showed me different animals that we have and told me facts about them. I got to look closely at a Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle as well as a Chinese Crocodile Lizard. I really enjoyed getting to learn more about animals that I might not work with often, as well as see new areas of the building. While I have learned so much already during this internship, this mini tour made me realize how much I still do not know about herpetology. There are so many interesting animals and so much to learn about each one. I hope to one day acquire enough knowledge to be able to share facts about all different types of reptiles and amphibians as well. I then helped another zookeeper by weighing some Asian Box Turtles, Arakan Forest Turtles, and a Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle before the end of the day.

Asian Box Turtle

Chinese Crocodile Lizard

Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle

Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle

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