Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 26: Rearrangement

Saturday, June 29

This morning I cleaned the giant tortoise exhibit, which lead to tortoise neck rubbing for my tortoise friend and being able to answer a lot of questions from visitors. I picked up more salad trays, cleaned the black worms, and then finished picking up salad trays in a room off exhibit. After break I did the dishes and changed out the water in the Galliwasp cages.

After lunch, I got to help another zookeeper with a larger project of starting to move around enclosures in the basement. One room in the basement is being rearranged and some of the animals are moving out of it, while others are moving in. I removed mulch from a large water/land tub before we moved it out of the room to clean it. We moved two water/land tubs and stands out of the one room and moved them to another location. Once we got the tubs cleaned and set back up, I filled one of them with sand. We refilled the water and placed a few turtles back inside. The process took a while because during the moving and cleaning, the other zookeeper was trying to figure out the best way to go about the whole rearrangement of multiple animal enclosures. We weren't able to figure out all the logistics of all the moving right then, but maybe when I go back next week more will be figured out. It will be quite a process whenever we start doing more work! I'm excited to be able to help out with the project because it will be something I can look at and know that I had a hand in the new animal arrangement. Afterwards, I syphoned cleaned the bottom of three turtle tubs. After break, I did a quick clean on some McCord's Box turtle tubs, did some general cleaning, took out the trash, and then it was time for us all to head out.

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