Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 15: Another Egg


This morning I helped to collect salad trays from the building and then worked on cleaning the giant tortoise exhibit. While in there I found another calcified tortoise egg! At the end of cleaning, while waiting for their pool to fill back up, I got in some good one on one tortoise interaction with a tortoise who was quite enjoying getting a neck rub. I knelt down and he had his head stretched out all the way to me, it was cute! After break, the other intern and I moved old light fixtures outside that had been replaced earlier today. I then went to clean the black worms and also assisted the other intern in cleaning rodent cages.

After lunch I started working on cleaning more rodent cages, but then went on to mist the galliwasps and make sure they had clean water. After break I had to take care of the cricket shipment, by myself. (I appreciate crickets as a food source for animals that I like, but I would still rather appreciate them from a farther distance than I currently have to!). With the last part of the day, the other intern and I worked on cleaning some of the McCord's Box Turtle and Spotted Turtle tanks. It was then time to collect trash and close the building.

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