Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 19: Speedy Delivery

Friday, June 14

This morning began with cutting up fruit and vegetables for the giant tortoises and then moved into salad preparation. While the other intern was feeding the giant tortoises, I was busy preparing salads inside. After break, we both worked on salads and actually had everyone fed in record time! I then went on to clean the black worms and started to clean some McCord's box turtle tanks before lunch.

After lunch I finished cleaning the McCord's and Spotted Turtle tanks. I then made sure the crickets and worms had new food, did the dishes, and cleaned out the salad bins. Everyone must have been working really hard today because after the afternoon break there was not much left that needed to be done. I changed water bowls for the pancake tortoises and then went outside to some tortoise enclosures off exhibit to clean up feces. I guess every zookeeper job, no matter what area, requires you to go out with a shovel and clean up. I worked on cleaning the lizard room a little more and then was given a task to do a water change for three turtle tubs. Of course some of the water was leaking through a drainage tube so I had to go back and squeegee the floors.

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