Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 12: Escape Artist

This morning I was excited to hear that we would be moving the giant tortoises outside, but then later found out that it would be postponed due to the weather. Since the building opens at 8am now we do not have to clean glass! A keeper comes in earlier in order to get everything ready to go for the day. The other intern and I went around and picked up salads bowls/trays and then went out to clean the giant tortoise exhibit. One tortoise was quite enjoying the neck rub it was getting so I knelt down to its level and it put its head close to me. It was cute! We almost had a tortoise get out on us when we tried to open the gate to leave. Thankfully we could get it back inside. Unfortunately, in its escape attempts, it bent a rake so far back that it broke in half! After break we finished sorting through wax worms to separate out the living from the dead ones. We also cleaned out the mice enclosures.

After lunch we worked on cleaning out the Spotted Turtle and McCord's Box Turtle tanks. Today the building got its weekly delivery of crickets so we then had to clean out the cricket tubs and add the new ones. After break we worked on dishes, checked to make sure all the animals had clean water, and did some miscellaneous housekeeping and organization tasks.

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